Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lead Sentence

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Over dinner recently, Anna Peele recalls one of the first times she drank alcohol. "I was like 14 or 15," Peele says. "I ordered a beer and they served me."

I think this is a very interesting lead sentence because it makes you start to wonder where and how she got a beer at her age. You start to prejudge the girl before knowing all the facts. Depending on the age of the person reading the article, you will have different reasons for wanting to find out the details.

I think this type of lead sentence would fall under the anecdotal lead.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Acid Rain and You

It is disappointing to travel to a place of history, such as Arlington Cemetery, and noticed the tombstones are deteriorating. How about planning a fishing trip to a lake with your kids and there is a sign that says “No Fishing, high mercury.” Oh yeah, and don’t forget for some reason you keep coughing during those trips. Although the combustion of fossil fuels is necessary to provide power that drives our society and industries, it could also present the problem of acid rain. Because of acid rain contamination, our aquatic life, human life and our manmade structures can be affected.

Contamination begins with the development of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from the burning of fossil fuels. Once these chemicals combine with the moisture in the air, you get acid rain. Some of the sources of this contamination begin with coal burning factories, cars and oil burning. Natural causes could be forest fires and volcanic eruptions. All living things, whether they are plants or animals, whether they live on land or in the water or even in trees, are affected directly or indirectly by acid rain. The acid rain not only affects the United States, it can be carried overseas by the weather.

When acid rain occurs it causes harmful elements like mercury and aluminum to be leaked from the soil and rocks, then it is carried into the streams, rivers and lakes where aquatic life can be affected. Fish can be poisoned by mercury and then could die. The reproduction of the fish can be affected when fish lay their eggs, the eggs come in contact with the acid and an entire generation can be destroyed. Also, it can cause the fish not to grow as big and they will be less capable of competing for their food and protecting themselves, which could cause extinction.
Acid rain also has affects human life in various ways. I talked about fish being poisoned with mercury, what if we ate fish with a high level of mercury? How do we know if a fish has a high level of mercury? You don’t, unless a sign is posted at the lake you’re fishing in or you have contacted your local Fish and Game office.

Acid rain can also have an adverse effect on people; coughing, headaches, dry eyes, allergies and it can also irritate your liver. People that live in California are introduced to acid rain every day, because of smog.

Manmade structures are expected to deteriate over time, but when these structures are exposed to acid rain, deterioration can happen much quicker. This includes buildings, statues and other structures that contain stone, metal or other material when exposed to the weather for a long period of time. Think about all the historical buildings in our country, how about all the monuments and statues that have been constructed, over time, these to can become deteriorated. Have you ever walked through an old cemetery and noticed how the tombstones look “aged”? It can cost billions of dollars to repair a structure, unfortunately some unique structures may never be able to be repaired or replaced.

Acid rain is a big problem, but it is controllable. There are many ways that humans can help with the effects of acid rain. People can start to carpool, walk more and use less electricity. One way companies that are burning coal for power can help is by washing the coal before they burn it. Although, normal people can help change the affects of acid rain at no financial cost to them, are companies willing to put out the expense of buying the new technology, taking steps to reduce the way they burn fossil fuels and follow the government guidelines.

In conclusion, acid rain does have a large impact on our environment. The two primary sources of acid rain are sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Cars are the main source of nitrogen oxide and factories are the main reason for sulfur dioxide. When these acids fall back to earth, it not only causes problems for the environment but also, human life, aquatic life and manmade structures. Government agencies need to invest money in finding alternate ways to burn fossil fuels, enforce utilization windmills and solar power. The Government has passed laws to help reduce emissions of these acids, but unless people start working together, we will eventually destroy ourselves.

PRNewswire-USNewswire; 9/20/2007; 615 words;

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Rest Stops in the State of Alaska

Although the State of Alaska provides limited maintenance for highway public rest stops for summer tourisim, it needs attention because a disservice is placed upon year-round residents and visitors, forces private businesses to provide this service and makes for a very long car ride.

I remember as a child going on family trips in the car from Indiana to Florida. One of the biggest highlights of our numerous trips was the idea of stopping at a rest stop, we were to take care of our business and then were able to run for a few minutes . I could always remember that the rest stops were very clean, safe, attainable and available anytime of the year. The rest stops served as a good break for my parents and break from the 3 kids in the back yelling "I have to go to the bathroom". The rest stops were built in a manner that provide a wonerful service to visitors and residents.

Now that I am a parent of two children, I want to pass on the joy of car trips that I enjoyed as child. I have noticed since moving to Alaska that our road trips are not very enjoyable.
If we decide to make a summer trip we knew that we had plenty of places to stop. There were plenty of places to stop and stretch our legs. But, If we decided to make a trip between Labor Day and May 15th it would make for a different experience. The reason, public facilities are not open or properly maintained after Labor Day. Why is that, do tourist only visit in the summer? Are the residents of the state only making car trips during a specific time of year?

What about the residents that want to take off and see the fall colors or go shopping in Anchorage? How about the tourist who want to come to Alaska to see the Northern Lights? What are they to do when nature calls? With the public facilities few and far between and not properly maintained, I believe more waste is going to be left on the side of the road. The state needs to maintain these facilities year round to provide residents and tourist a pleasant car trip anytime of the year.

Although gas stations are opened year round, should they be responsible for providing this service? They could say, " if you want to use the bathroom, you need to buy something", or a sign could be posted that says "no public restrooms", then what are people to do? How far away is the next restroom and what are their policies. I believe that if I am stopping to get gas, buying coffee or snacks, I should be able to use their facilities, I am bringing them a profit that will help offset the electricity used in the bathroom and the sewage disposal. But, why should gas stations provide this service if they get nothing in return, but waste.

Why should a road trip be such a unpleasant experience between Labor Day and May 15th? Why should parents have to tell children "you need to hold it" because there is not a maintained public rest stop on a major road. Do you stop and let them relieve themselves on the side of the road? Tourist and residents are going to use whatever means available, including the side of the road, to make themselves comfortable.

We live in a profitable state, why couldn't an allotted amount of money be put aside to build new facilities or even maintain and repair the facilities we already have in place? This would provide a pleasant and safe experience for everyone year round. Visitors and residents would not have to plan their trips around availablity of facilities.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

My Shitty First Draft Review

I read this article about three times before I decide to sit down and answer my questions, I felt as though Anne Lamott was addressing me directly. She put me at ease, I realize that even published writers hit road blocks and that no one is a perfect draft writer. In the next few days I will be writing a rough draft, she helped me realize that it was okay to make errors and that there was nothing wrong with brainstorming and writing about whatever comes to mind. I also feel, even though it was not written, that you do not need to stress about the first draft. The first draft allows you to make changes and corrections so that it will no longer be the Shitty First Draft.

I agree with her suggestions on how to get through the first draft. Sometimes you just need to walk away from a writing project and get refocused. I cannot tell you how many times I have sat down to write something and would come up with every excuse to get up, but, to me that was a realization that I was not focused yet and needed more time. Your first draft is your own, you can go in and make whatever changes you feel are appropriate. There is no one there to judge you or tell you what you should or should not write.

Although I was not writing a First Draft Essay today, I brainstormed, rewrote, watched TV and even went to the kitchen. So, in my opinion, answering questions is going to be the same as writing my Shitty First Draft.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Advertising Sets Double Standard for the Male Gender

When policing perpetuate sterotypes it makes the point or issue come across very strong to the audience. As with the Milwaukees Best Light commercial, a group of men overpower a single metrosexual man with a can of beer, does this really change the perception of the definition of a "real man"? Maybe not, but if you continue to witness these types of behaviors, then you may be easily pursaded to start believing what you see.

Policing can occur when women want to play a male dominate sport, people that are for global warming, people that are involved with PET.

The pros of this type of policing is that these groups come together with the same beliefs, they are all speaking one voice and they are very determined.

The cons of this is that at some point the audience is going to get tired of seeing the same thing over and over and nothing has been accomplished and then they will start to tone out the message that the group is trying to get across.

Whenever you watch a commercial that involves a man or a women and they are placed into a certain sterotype, do you really sit and critique the commercial or are you more concerned about the product they are endorsing.

Will this type of sterotyping ever go away for men and women, the answer is no. People have been taught to relate to different genders in certain ways.

In closing, one other commercial that comes to mind when speaking of gender policing and sterotypes is the Geico Caveman commercials.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Learning from the faceless instructor

Taking a online course requires dedication, computer skills and patience. To beable to commit yourself to taking a online course is the first step.

You must be willing commit your time to the computer and not a human. You must be willing to set aside the time to read and complete assignments given by your instructor. The excuses "my car won't start", "its to cold to go to class" is not a option. You need to make yourself a schedule for the week, like you were physically attending a class, and complete the assignments.

Computer skills are a must for an online course. Being able to communicate with your instructor via e-mail, blackboard, blogs, etc.. is not a option, it is a requirement for a online course. You also need to understand how to retrieve and send documents via the internet, or know where to go for help.

Patience is also important, it may take a day or two to get an answer to your questions, do you stop and wait? No, you move on so that you don't get behind in class. Also, if you have taken a test, it may take the instructor a few days to get the results back to you, which if you are like me, I tend to get nervous if it takes to long.

Online courses are the new classrooms available in your home, with the exception that you can come to this class in your pajamas.