Tuesday, October 23, 2007

NIMH 781

(Question 1)
I think the advertisement is done in Spanish because NIMH wanted to show that depression is a multi- culture problem and it does not only affect white men. As we seen on TV the Latino man is always portrayed as a tough macho man, he can never have any problems, especially with his health. I like the photo of the man they had chosen for the poster, this man is portrayed as a physically fit Latino young man. When other Latino men see this type of person portrayed, they may stop and read the information and not be afraid to admit to their own depression, because they can relate to the picture portrayed. If NIMH would have chosen a feminine type man, I don’t think the message they are trying to get across to the Latino men would have been as strong. I think they chose to have a portion of the poster in English to show that even the multi-lingual men can have depression. I ask myself, what is a real man? Is it the American man or the Latino man. I think it all depends on the targeted audience and what their perception is.

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