Tuesday, October 9, 2007

An Opportunity for Intelligent Debate (884)

(Question 2)
The definition for divisive is “causing disagreement or hostility within a group so that it is likely to split”; once I understood the meaning I was able to understand the question better. I would have to disagree with Zwier, he states that a visual argument is not divisive, although in my opinion a button is still expressing what you feel without words coming out of your month. You don’t always have to be verbal to voice your opinion; sometimes silence is the best way to get your point across.
I think they can be compared because whether they stand in front of the auditorium or wearing something on their shirt; they are still expressing their feelings. To me they only difference between the two is that the button may not be as noticeable as a crowd of people holding signs and yelling opinions. Both ways are a powerful way to protest.

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